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html to pdf - spreads onto second page

Registered: Jul 29 2010
Posts: 4

I have an html page, largely text, lots of different fonts, which displays and prints perfectly (A4 size) in IE, but when I pull it into Acrobat, in the pdf it flows over onto a second page. It looks as if it's rendering some of the fonts a little larger than in IE. Are there any configuartion settings in Acrobat which might allow me to control this? Thanks for any help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It's never easy to get a 1:1 effect, as the styling on web pages is often a horrendous mix of pixels, percents and real units. Every web browser has to make decisions on how to reflect that in the physical space of a printout, and currently Acrobat and IE/FF/Opera/Chrome/Safari/etc/etc all do things a bit differently.

It depends on the HTML too, as with correctly-written CSS for print intent you can control things to the millimeter; but what Acrobat does isn't "wrong", it's an interpretation given there's no concept of page "resolution". If I have a CSS font height of 18 pixels, what's that on an A4 page? Is it the same on a US letter page?
Registered: Jul 29 2010
Posts: 4
Thanks for the prompt reply, UVSAR. A4 is the European equivalent of Letter - a little longer and narrower. You've raised a very good point there - if I'm really lucky, Acrobat will be set up for Letter (I've just downloaded and installed the Demo). I'll check that as soon as I get back.

If that isn't the answer, are there any configurations such as margins that I can tweak?