i add some web hyperlink in my word using an internal URL protocol "mylink:".
In MsWord my link ("mylink://051245751212;tot@server") works perfectly.
But when i make a pdf creation, this Web link was transforme in file link and some stuff are adding before.
for example my file MsWord files was store in "d:\temp\in" the result of the transformation of my link was "D\temp\in\mylink://051245751212;tot@server" and the type of the link is no longuer a web link (URL) but file link (GOTOR).
If in my MsWord i placed a web link like "http://www.adobe.com" the transformation is OK. Why my internal protocol doesn't have the same traitement? How i can do for Acrobat keep the details of my link like in the MsWord (Type :URL, URL:mylink:...)?
I'am using Acrobat 7.1 Pro.
Can you help me?
I try to print from MsWord to "Adobe Pdf" but the link text was underline in blue but not clickable, like if my link was not transform.
i watch in different option of distiller and adobe printer and all it's ok.
When i'am using the adobe printer i have no link at the end of my transformation, and when i'am using Acrobat Pro 7.1 my url link was transform in relative file link.
Can i change it by configuration ("register key"), or by Acrobat Plugin or another solution?
ps : sorry for my english!