We currently post all our policies and procedures (1,000+) as PDFs on a Sharepoint site.
I'm using Adobe Acrobat 7.1.0 Standard to convert Word 2003 docs to PDF. Some docs are LARGE, 400 pages plus.
I want to make links from any spot in a doc to any other spot in another doc, and have Adobe Acrobat convert those in the Word doc, NOT open each PDF doc and do it there, that's a waste of time, I'd rather stop using Adobe Acrobat, and just post them as Word docs. I can do this in Word, and HTML, but can I do that in any version of Adobe Acrobat, or using a plug-in?
I do not know if Acrobat Standard 7 has the same PDFMaker as Acrobat Professional 7.
Regardless, there are some things to consider.
Office Hypertext from file01.doc to adjacent file02.doc having a bookmark "xyz" gives a path of
Interestingly, setting an Office Hyperlink to [i]..\..\\\file02.doc#xyz[/i]
in the Edit Hyperlink dialog ends up becoming [i]..\..\\\file02.doc[/i] in the tool tip (after Edit Hyperlink dialog has been left).
Re-opening the Edit Hyperlink dialog shows the link has become [i]..\..\\\file02.doc#[b]_[/b]xyz[/i]I have noticed a similar "morph" to Hyperlinks in Excel. I've observed this behavior, in Word & Excel, in Office suites 2000 through 2007.It appears PDFMaker "sees" what we "see" in the tool tip.
Links within a given *.DOC file pose no problem.
Links to external files pose a problem.
The link's text string in the PDF will match the text string in the *.doc, *.xls, etc. file.
[i]MATCH[/i] is the operative word. The conversion does not alter the text string. This is expected behavior.
So a target file's file extension is *not* changed.
When you click on this link, in the PDF, you get the Launch Application warning dialog.
While what you want in a PDF collection can be rather readily accomplished with FrameMaker you have Word.
It may well be that you'll have to set up the desired interactivity in Word and then put the Word files out to SharePoint.
A nattering nag occurs to me when considering this.
Typically, any given user of Word ends up modifing the default Normal.dot file. Understandable as many users are unaware
of the what and how of Word templates. What would the effect be of this? Not an issue with PDFs. Perhaps the same when
working on *.doc files out of SharePoint?
Be well...
Be well...