I'm trying to create a PDF (Distiller 7 or 8) from a ps (made from XPress 6.x or 7.X) file that contains tiff images.
The PDF is done but the ICC profile used in my joboption is not attached !
It works fine if I save the tiff to eps !
Is it possible to make a PDF with ICC (from distiller) that will include tiff ?
This is indeed a problem since Acrobat Distiller allows tagging of all device dependent PostScript colour spaces during PDF creation but TIFF is not a postscript colour space - this is why ONLY EPS works when processing a Quark generated postscript.
Another option would be to post-process your images with a plug-in such as Enfocus Pitstop Professional or Server.
Hope this helps,
I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999