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Intial View Grayed out in Document Properties

Registered: Jun 23 2009
Posts: 3

I am getting heat cuz I need to fix this and I am growing frustrated! Here is the situation, a printable form/document was created in InDesign CS3 and then it was exported to a PDF. I need to make some changes to that PDF so I finally received the InDesign file. I made the changes, and exported it back but on the original PDF, when you clicked on Document Properties>Initial View - everything is grayed out. On the one I just did and exported it, the Initial view is NOT greyed out and I want it to be like the other one.
Can someone tell me how I do this?

smitchell15 (not verified)
Hi Itime

Does the file contain security of any kind? If so remove it, change the initial view and then resecure.

Is the form in a distributed work flow? If so, save it as a COPY, that will enable you to edit and have full control of the PDF whilst still remain linked to the response file.

Hope one of those works?