It's the difference between using a Ford Pinto and a Peterbilt to move gravel.
Acrobat Distiller is a desktop tool. Can only be licensed for use on the desktop. And cannot be used to automatically watch a folder out on a shared network location. Yes, yes, I know that there are no technical limitations on doing this. But they are specifically prohibited in the EULA.
Also, the PostScript interpretor (RIP) in Distiller is single-threaded and tends to die a slow, horrible, death when presented with what would be considered 'insanely large' PostScript input (100+K pages) and have any of the optimizations (e.g. Save for fast Web View) turned on.
Lastly, Distiller can ONLY convert PostScript to PDF - nothing else. No matter how much you beg and plead with it - it's all you have.
LC PDF-G is designed, supported and licensed to run in server, lights out, automated, long-haul manner. The PostScript RIP is based of the Adobe Extreme RIP developed a number of years ago for the print industry. It doesn't die on large input (at least not as quickly). It will support multiple CPUs (you pay for how many). Also, it will convert other file types than just PostScript (you pay for what) - so it can be integrated into more document workflows.
There are a few licensing restrictions - but they mainly surround setting up a competing business to Adobe Systems using their product.
As the two products are two orders of magnitude different in price, I can see why it would be tempting to try to use Distiller in place of LC PDF-G. My recomendation would be 'to not to.'
Hope this helps.
Thanks -Doug
Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.
Acrobat Distiller is a desktop tool. Can only be licensed for use on the desktop. And cannot be used to automatically watch a folder out on a shared network location. Yes, yes, I know that there are no technical limitations on doing this. But they are specifically prohibited in the EULA.
Also, the PostScript interpretor (RIP) in Distiller is single-threaded and tends to die a slow, horrible, death when presented with what would be considered 'insanely large' PostScript input (100+K pages) and have any of the optimizations (e.g. Save for fast Web View) turned on.
Lastly, Distiller can ONLY convert PostScript to PDF - nothing else. No matter how much you beg and plead with it - it's all you have.
LC PDF-G is designed, supported and licensed to run in server, lights out, automated, long-haul manner. The PostScript RIP is based of the Adobe Extreme RIP developed a number of years ago for the print industry. It doesn't die on large input (at least not as quickly). It will support multiple CPUs (you pay for how many). Also, it will convert other file types than just PostScript (you pay for what) - so it can be integrated into more document workflows.
There are a few licensing restrictions - but they mainly surround setting up a competing business to Adobe Systems using their product.
As the two products are two orders of magnitude different in price, I can see why it would be tempting to try to use Distiller in place of LC PDF-G. My recomendation would be 'to not to.'
Hope this helps.
Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.