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A massive sheet music conversion project

Registered: Aug 13 2007
Posts: 2

Thought I'd try to start in this forum. We have a collection of over 50,000 items of sheet music going all the way back to the teens of the previous century.

Due to the age of many items, some are beginning to deteriorate. In some cases, the music will be falling apart as it is photographed. Another consideration is that most items are oversize, i.e. they can't just be run thru an 8.5x11 scanner. Usually the cover is on color and the rest b/w.

I think the best approach to this is to take a picture of each page, which will result in several jpg files for each item of music, and then assemble a final pdf file to preserve the item in digital format. I understand the image of each page can be adjusted so that the final file will print on 8.5x11 paper.

Is this conversion of jpg image, or picture files possible to do in acrobat; and is it difficult or fairly simple and routine? Is any form of macro setup possible, to speed thing up?

I am a complete novice in reagrds to all this. Any hjelp will be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Registered: May 12 2007
Posts: 2
I understand what you're dealing with, having dealt with it personally.
Your idea of creating the PDF from JPGs is a nice efficient way to create it in so far as you can duplicate or exceed the quality you'd get from a larger scanner.
The final product will print on the 8.5 x 11 just fine, if somewhat reduced in size (which may result in greater sharpness of the images). I have used the partial scanner images with a graphics editor that combined them seamlessly and then created the PDF from that image of the full page.
You're on the right track.