Our Company is using AutoCAD 2006 and Acrobat Pro 7. We are having problems with missing entities in PDF Files. I have a simple test file that illustrates the issue. Printing the same file on different computers creates a pdf file with different items missing. Even on the same PC , 2 plots in a row have different items missing. Any ideas to resolve?
1. Make sure you are up to date on service packs
2. Make sure you are using the PDFMaker Button not File Print to PDF, because here users can have their own ACAD settings
3. It would be helpful if you could send me a sample of the differing PDF's and the native ACAD file, that is the only way I can debug the problem.
Thanks all
Tim Huff
you can email me here [email=thuff [at] adobe [dot] com]
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Tim Huff
North American TAM Manager
[link=http://acrobat.timhuff.net/] My Blog - I didn't know Acrobat could do that! [/link]