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Missing PDFMaker Files

Registered: Apr 26 2007
Posts: 35

I'm trying to create a PDF from Word 2003 using Vista.
I receive a message stating PDFMaker Files Missing.
I ran the updates and I'm still receiving the message.
Can someone help?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
There's the easy way (short, sweet and usually works) and then there's the hard way (long, difficult, but almost always (as oppsed to 'usually') works).

SSUW - Launch Acrobat
Help | Detect and Repair.
Notes: 1) You need Admin rights to use this.
2) You had to have installed Acrobt with affirmative (yes) to the question 'Do you want to cache the installer files?' item.

Control Pannel | Add / Remove programs
Uninstall Acrobat and all related patches/updates (be sure to uninstall them in reverse order! (e.g. 7.0.9 then 7.0.8... etc. then main product last).
Reinstall Acrobat (and patches).

Give it a shot.

Hope this helps.... holler if you have any questions.


Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.

Registered: Apr 26 2007
Posts: 35

Thank you for the reply. I tried the second approach of uninstalling then reinstalling and applying all the updates. I did reboot.

When I attempted to create a PDF from a Word document, it started to do the conversion and then displayed the following message:

An unexpected error occurred. PDFMaker was not able to produce the Adobe PDF.

Unfortunately, it won't tell me what is the unexpected error so I don't even know where to begin to fix this.

Can you help?

Thank you.
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
Basically a 'Check Engine Light' - it could be any one of a number of things.

I would start off with an extremely simple document with just a single line of text for conversion. If that works, you know you have a problem with your document. If it doesn't you have a problem with your installation.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.