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Newbie with a question.

Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 8

After reviewing and searching through the forums on creation of a PDF file I still could not find my the answer I sought so I am hoping someone will have an idea as to what I need to do.

Currently I am creating PDF files programitcally using C# code and the Gnostice eDocEngine.

My question is simple I hope. I have placed a table on my page which has 1 column and 2 rows. The first row remains as the title in a way but the second row gets text my user adds on the page before the PDF is created. This text comes from a textbox that is set to multi line with aticipation that the user will be entering a large amout of text on occasion. what I have noticed however is that even if the Row has a specified height like this "PDF.TableSettings.RowHeight = 149;" The row still expands into the other text.

All I want to do is stop the row from expanding beyond the hieght I give it. Is this possible?

Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 8
Well nevermind my previous question... I figured out a simple work around to what I was trying to do by simply splitting my string after a certain length of text then putting it on a secondary page.