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No button text on 'down' state.

Registered: May 19 2010
Posts: 21

I have been making some lovely multitabbed .pdf's with 3D models imbedded.

To slicken this up for presentation, I wanted to make pretty buttons. I made 3 different button states, and loaded them into a button.

The 'up' and 'roll-over' states show the button text. The 'down' state however, disappears the text... I would prefer to set the text in acrobat, rather than create text in each button state for each button.

Any ideas?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you tried using the "Push" behavior for your button? This behavior allows you to set the text for the Up, Down, and Rollover states.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 19 2010
Posts: 21
Yet again, you show me how unobservant I can be in a hurry...

I was using the 'Push' option, and somehow the text I had entered in the 'up' state copied itself to the 'over' state, just not the down state.

Working perfectly now.

Thanks for your help.