I'm having page size issues with a PDF document in Word 2003 - there is an A3 page in the middle of the A4 document and Acrobat Professional 7 and 8 are each having issues with it.
My workaround: I used the Distiller to extract the pages before (p1-22) and after (p22-67) the A3, and then the A3 page itself (p21). I then pieced these three PDF files together into one.
I forgot about a couple of hyperlinks in the document, so tried using the PDF Maker macro to repeat my workaround, so that my links would be active - but in Acrobat 7, when I use the PDF Maker to make a file from the A4 pages immediately following the A3 page... they come out A3 sized. Using the Distiller the same page range comes out as A4.
What obvious setting have I missed? (And why can't I just tell Acrobat to make a .PDF and have it correctly detect all of the pages sizes I've used in Word in the first place?)
Any hints would be appreciated. :)
(My current work PC has version 7.0.8, my other work PC has 8.0, same problem with both.)
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.