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PAGE Number problem - Word 2007 Doc to PDF

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 9

I am using Adobe Professional 8.1.2 and I just upgraded my machine to Office 2007.
The problem started after my Office is upgraded to 2007 version.

I have converted one word document to PDF using "Create PDF button"
My document has 3 pages. So in the document the page numbers are showing as 1/2 on first page and 2/2 on second page and 3/3 in the 3rd page. After converting this document to PDF, the PDF showing page numbers as 1/1 in first page and 2/2 in second page and 3/3 on the third page.

In Acrobat I tried Check for the new updates but it says "there are no updates available at this time". So I think my machine has all the latest acrobat updates.

Please help me to fix this issue.

Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Aug 13 2008
Posts: 4
I use Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended and Microsoft Word 2003 and had my first issue of this problem today. I tried everything I could think of and the only thing that worked was to create the PDF file from inside Adobe. That is, I did not have Word open and clicked "Create" and used the pull-down menu to select "PDF from File" and choose my Word file. The resulting PDF file had pages correctly numbered. Hope that works for you.

Mary Stahly
Process and Standards Manager

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 9
Thanks Mary. I tried the steps you suggsted, but didn't work for me. Do you think about any options in Word/Adobe that affects Page numbering?
Registered: Aug 13 2008
Posts: 4
This is what I tried:
Deleting page numbers and re-adding them.
Repaginating before converting.
Printing to PDF instead of converting.
I have a cross reference as my "y" in page x of y. I deleted the bookmark, recreated it, and inserted the cross reference again.
I rebooted.
The page numbers in my Word document looked fine. I recently had to de-install and re-install Adobe because of some licensing issue and I downloaded the most recent updates. I had two documents, one of which converted properly. They were both created using the same Word template. I can't think of anything else to try. Sorry.

Mary Stahly
Process and Standards Manager

Registered: Sep 2 2008
Posts: 3
Have you been able to figure this problem out? We upgraded to Word 2007 last week, and I'm having exactly the same problem you described.

Thanks in advance for any tips you can share to fix this.

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 9
LisaMcClure wrote:
Have you been able to figure this problem out? We upgraded to Word 2007 last week, and I'm having exactly the same problem you described.Thanks in advance for any tips you can share to fix this.

I got a temporary FIX for this, you can call it as a band-aid fix.

Follow the steps:
Click Office Button --> Word Options --> Advance tab --> Scroll down to seee print options --> There is a checkbox called Print XML tags --> Select the checkbox. Click ok and close word.After this setting pagination is workign fine. I tested this on many test machines and this is in my production environment for the last 3-4 months without any problems.

I could not find any relation between pagination and Print XML tags. Microsoft could not explain why this checkbox fixes the problem. I am working with Microsoft/Adobe for last few months, went through many solutions but nothing worked consistently.

Please try the above option to see do that help you.

Registered: Sep 2 2008
Posts: 3
Thanks, Aji!

I just tried your fix, and now the convert is giving me good page numbers. Thank you so much!

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 9
LisaMcClure wrote:
Thanks, Aji!I just tried your fix, and now the convert is giving me good page numbers. Thank you so much!

Its great to hear that it worked on your machine...Actually I was spend lot of hours to get a consistent solution for this problem. I am very happy to hear that helped someone else also. This was also posted in my blog:
