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PDF bookmark link destination problem

Registered: Aug 12 2007
Posts: 2

Hi all,

I am having a problem with PDF bookmark creation using PDFMaker. First, my system spec is:
- Adobe PDFMaker 7.0
- Windows XP SP2
- Word 2003 SP2
- 512 mb RAM

I create bookmark based on some Word styles in the document. This document is about 500 pages.

The problem i am having is, some of the PDF bookmark does not link to the destination in the PDF document properly. When i click on some PDF bookmarks in the navigation pane, the header that associate to the bookmark does not navigate at the top of the document pane, instead the headers only appear arbitarily in different level in the document pane (Middle or bottom in the document pane)

I have also done the following to try to fix the problem:
1) Set Adobe Distiller as default printer
2) Turned off Enable accessibility and reflow with Tagged PDF
3) Change teh monochrome image size to 600 * 900
4) Check only "Convert Word styles to Bookmarks" with the selected Word styles that i need for PDF bookmark

Some PDF bookmark still doesn't navigate to header on top of the document pane.

I then tried the following:
1) Update Word to SP3
2) Update PDF Maker to 7.07

Still doesn't work.

I have run tests in the following environment and it appears the the PDF bookmark is linking to the header properly, as in the header appearing on top of the documnet pane:

Environment 1
- Windows 2000
- PDFMaker 7
- Word 2000

Environment 2
- Windows XP SP 2
- Word 2003 SP 2
- PDFMaker 8
- 512 mb RAM

This is really puzzling me because I couldn't understand why a system environment with earlier version of Word/Windows OS works better.

Has anyone encounter this problem? Pointers please?


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This was a bug in Acrobat 7. There are more details in the following technical note:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for