Ok, maybe I didn't ask the right questions when we purchased Acrobat X Pro, but I cannot seem to find a way to create a PDF file from scratch in Acrobat X without having to FIRST create the file in Word or another application. Am I missing something?? Also, how can I insert a picture in the PDF?? I can't seem to find the command to do this with...
You can go to Create PDF - From Blank Page to create a blank single-page PDF, in which you could type and add images (see: http://acrobatusers.com/forum/general-acrobat-topics/insert-image-jpg-png-existing-pdf-file-under-acrobat-x-pro), but I don't recommend it.
The recommended workflow is to create the file in some other application, like Word or InDesign, and then export it to PDF. You can then edit it further in Acrobat, if necessary.
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