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PDF Creation for Excel

Moses Hoong
Registered: Apr 11 2009
Posts: 7

I am working with Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Adobe Professional 9.0.

When I select and convert my excel sheets (3 sheets with multiple pages inside each sheet) into one single document, instead of having say Page 1 of 10 to Page 10 of 10; I get Page 1 of 2 (2 pages in sheet 1), Page 1 of 6 (6 pages in sheet 2) and Page 1 of 2 (2 pages in sheet 3). How do i get the pages to run in order. If I print the documents, the page numbering is in sequence.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Many thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1, Windows
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
By any chance, do you have the option "Fit worksheet to single page" turned on?
Moses Hoong
Registered: Apr 11 2009
Posts: 7
No its not turned on.
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
And do you see things laid out correctly in Excel's print preview?
Moses Hoong
Registered: Apr 11 2009
Posts: 7
Yes. The print preview page numbering is correct. i.e. Page 1 of 10 to 10 of 10.
Registered: Apr 21 2009
Posts: 1
I am having the same problem. Excel workbook with multiple worksheets. If we print the worksheets together from Excel, the page numbers are all consecutive. When we create the PDF the page numbers in the footer will go from 1-2, 1, 1-3, 1-16.
Registered: Apr 23 2009
Posts: 1
I'm having the same problem. I have an excel file with 10 tabs and if I click print entire workbook and preview there are 15 pages. However when I pdf I get 4 different files of different number of pages. If I save the 4 files and then put them all together The resulting file has the right page numbers. I'm just wondering if there is a way to do it in one step. Does anyone know if there is a page break somewhere?
Moses Hoong
Registered: Apr 11 2009
Posts: 7
I finally managed to get it (though may not be the best solution).

You need to "Hide" the worksheets or tabs that you do not want to convert to PDF. Then in your print option, select "entire workbook" and select your printer name as "adobe pdf". This should give you the page numbers in sequence.

It worked for me, finally.
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 5
BeaV wrote:
I'm having the same problem. I have an excel file with 10 tabs and if I click print entire workbook and preview there are 15 pages. However when I pdf I get 4 different files of different number of pages. If I save the 4 files and then put them all together The resulting file has the right page numbers. I'm just wondering if there is a way to do it in one step. Does anyone know if there is a page break somewhere?
I have previously encountered what sounds similar to the problem you are having - an Excel file that will print some (seemingly random) number of pages and then print again (starting where it left off) and do that multiple times. In my case, I finally figured out that the files involved were either (a) files 'inherited' from someone else that had 'hidden' tabs that I didn't even know were there - unhiding those tabs and getting rid of them solved the problem) or (b) pages that had been copied and pasted in from another file - where the page size and/or print resolution was different. Try checking the page setup (Page Layout/Page Setup/Page) for each tab and make sure the "Paper size" and Print quality" is the same for all tabs.
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 5
Moses Hoong wrote:
I am working with Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Adobe Professional 9.0.When I select and convert my excel sheets (3 sheets with multiple pages inside each sheet) into one single document, instead of having say Page 1 of 10 to Page 10 of 10; I get Page 1 of 2 (2 pages in sheet 1), Page 1 of 6 (6 pages in sheet 2) and Page 1 of 2 (2 pages in sheet 3). How do i get the pages to run in order. If I print the documents, the page numbering is in sequence.

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I have this problem. I have numerous Excel files (that are periodically updated), with each page (tab) numbered automatically (in sequence) by Excel, so that when printed the pages are Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 etc. Previously, with Acrobat 8 installed, this worked fine. Since installing Acrobat 9 (why did I bother paying for the upgrade?), every page comes out as Page 1. The file prints the correct number of pages in the correct sequence, as a single file - but every page is "Page 1". This is using the Acrobat PDFMaker Office (Excel) add-in.

If I print it (175k Excel file) to a file using the installed Adobe PDF printer (and tell it to print the entire workbook), it prints fine, with the pages numbered correctly, and a small file size (21k).

If I "Save as PDF or XPS" in Excel, the pages number correctly but the file size is much larger (175k). If I tell it to "minimize size" I get an intermediate size file (72k).

If I print it using the Acrobat PDFMaker add-in, I get a slightly smaller file size (60k) -- but every page is "Page 1". The Acrobat PDFMaker dialog box has now been "enhanced" to let you select the "Entire Workbook", "Selection" or (as before) "Sheet(s)" but it makes no difference which of these I choose - it still comes out with every page as "Page 1".

If anybody knows why it does this or how to fix it, that would be much appreciated ....
Registered: Jul 8 2009
Posts: 1
I have the exact same situation as described by tt7.

Everyhting worked fine in Acrobat 8 Pro but I have the same problem in 9.1 Pro -- page numbers are not printed consecutively when using the plug-in..

The advantage of using the Acrobat plug-in is that it has different preferences that can be applied (including security) during conversion.

Printing to pdf or using Save As does not have as many selections.
Registered: Mar 4 2009
Posts: 1
This problem is still there. Anyone knows a solution?

If I use the PDFMaker Add-In in Excel, each worksheet is numbered separately (1 of 1, 1-15 of 15, 1-30 of 30 and 1 of 1; i.e., 4 worksheets, 47 pages).

If I print the workbook to the Adobe PDF printer, I get consecutive page numbering, but the number of pages is wrong and varies from worksheet to worksheet. It looks as if the actually printout of the workbook is more dense than the preview, so that the number of pages ends up being less than the calculated number of pages. So I get page numbering 1 of 51, 2-16 of 51, 17-46 of 48 and 47 of 51. The actual PDF file is 47 pages.

This is really annoying!
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 1
I have similar Excel-Acrobat pagination problems.

In my case, the exact same document prints from Excel to Acrobat correctly on one computer (Dell Dimension) and NOT on another computer (Dell Inspiron). Both computers are running the same operating systems (Win XP), the same Excel verions (Excel 2003, SP3) and the same Acrobat versions (Acrobat Pro 8.1.4). The symptoms are the same with the PDF printer and PDFMaker Add-Inn.

Pages print about 20% longer (but not wider) on one computer than on the other computer, creating serious pagination problems. I suspect one machine is using different font metrics than the other. But the PS font files on the two machines are the same size and have the same time stamps. The only difference I can find between the two computers is that they store PS fonts in different places.

Any ideas welcomed!
Registered: Dec 19 2009
Posts: 1
I am having same type of problem.Usually i use excel 2007.I need to change the format of excel sheet.Is it possible to convert into pdf format.If possible then please give me details instruction.
Thank you