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pdf creation in Microsoft Office 2004 on mac (OS X 10.5.1 Leopard)

Registered: Dec 2 2007
Posts: 6

I upgraded two weeks ago to OS X 10.5.1 Leopard. Since then I am unable to print Microsoft Office 2004 (Word, PowerPoint) documents into pdf. PDFMaker starts properly, but does not seem to finish the job. It stalls at the end according to the progress bar. I have installed Acrobat Professional 8.1.1. Who recognizes the problem and has suggestions to solve the problem?

Registered: Dec 3 2007
Posts: 4
You might be able to narrow the problem by looking at if you can Print to PDF using a different driver, such as your normal printer. Also, although it may not be related to your problem, Microsoft did update Word in response to a crashing problem with printing under Leopard, so installing that would be worth a try. This URL is to a short article about the Word update:

Editor in chief for the Take Control series of electronic books (published in PDF format)

Registered: Dec 2 2007
Posts: 6
My Office 2004 was automatically upgraded to version 11.3.9, so the problem of printing should have been addressed. I did try printing to pdf using my standard printer settings. It worked, but the files are larger than I am used to. The two most important reasons to print are cross-platform compatibility and reducing file size (especially when files contain a lot of graphics). The latter is clearly not happening. Where can I find the settings for printing to pdf?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you read [url=]Support for Mac OS X Leopard[/url]? See the section on Acrobat, you will need to update to Acrobat 8.1.2

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 29 2008
Posts: 1
Where is this update? It's late January 2008 now.