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PDF >> eBook

Registered: Nov 24 2008
Posts: 6


I intend to convert a pfd file into a user-friendly eBook. do you know any software for that purpose? Is there already a eBook-conversion function included in any Adobe software like Acrobat Pro or Illustrator?

regards from Germany


Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 14
... what difference is there between a pdf and an e-book? I would have assumed they were one and the same?

unless of course you want to read it on a Kindle or something like that? If that's the case then you could experiment with some of the Export options, or maybe search around for the particular device you want to use it on.

PDFs on a Kindle -> [url][/url]
Registered: Nov 24 2008
Posts: 6

thanks for your post. I would like to create something like this:
in my opinion the tool above is more customer-friendly than a normal pdf-file.
I hope you will undestand my explanation.

regards from germany

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Did you try ISSUU ?

Register (it's free), upload your PDF file, then copy paste the URL into your web site.

>>> [url][/url]See it in use here :
(clic on the book to see it in full screen mode)

Regards from France.

Registered: Mar 20 2007
Posts: 1
Last night I downloaded "How to Create Adobe PDF eBooks." It was from 2001. Is there an UPDATED pdf on creating an ebook? Some of the information is good, but some parts are very outdated.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hey there pacratartist,

Browse about in Adobe's Digital Editions webspace.
There is a PDF out there that describes how to go from an InDesign document to the Kindle file format.
It involves use of an open source application to put the InDesign output into an intermediary file format that can go then go to Kindle format.
Neat thing is that, with a tweak (identified in the how-to PDF) you can process a PDF to the intermediary format.
This format can also get you into ePUB.

Alternatively, PDF & ePUB are good to go with Sony's product (& several others - there's a list given over in the Adobe Digital Edition space).If you just want to do PDFs for eBook readers then you want to look over that old PDF you harvested for page size/layout/format tips.
They are still true for work today.
The critical characteristic for a PDF that is for use with PDAs, eBook readers or devices other than desktop/laptop/netbook is *reflow* ...
Reflow is a characteristic of a tagged output PDF.
Author in an application that provides solid tag management for the tagged output PDF.
(Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, MS Word (if output PDF is via properly configured Adobe PDFMaker))

If you want a "bullseye" everytime for reflow then, make the tagged output PDF an accessible PDF; that'll cover all the bases.
You'll end up with a PDF that "fits" the smaller devices' screen.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 4 2010
Posts: 1
I got a copy of the Adobe document "How to Create an eBook.pdf" but it does not help. We need something for Windows/Office 2007. The document gives instructions for Windows 2000. I do not see any place in my newer version of Windows that has an option to create a .pdf document as an eBook. (I have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.)
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
An "eBook" might be a PDF file.
May eBook readers can make use of PDF.
If PDF is used, then mastering content to a page size, of font characteristics, and able to reflow are some considerations. The older document referenced in this tread does speak to some of this.

Alternatively, a PDF can be processed to create a MOBI file.
You may find the information at the link below of interest.
Thing is, the PDF's layout/format would really need to support the intended usage.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 6 2010
Posts: 1
PDF text size is quite small on the Kindle2 - is there a way to make the text size larger?
Registered: Mar 10 2011
Posts: 1
I work with a small publisher, using (non-structured) FrameMaker to produce content that is then re-packaged into various books, lesson-by-lesson. We use conditions, index and custom tagging, variables, and more to make creating a new book with a different lesson set easy. We’ll print the new book and generate PDFs with cross references (hyperlinks) and bookmarks.

In this world of digital devices, I need to figure out how to provide our PDFs for various digital devices (the iPad), but protected from sharing and printing.

What tools should we use (must we give up FrameMaker and somehow port everything to InDesign)? Seems Digital Editions may be one tool, but what about DRM security on the iPad?

I wish Adobe was interested in protecting PDF files on digital devices as much as they are interested in getting people to use CS5 – especially as they are the Gods of PDF. But maybe I just need guidance to the right info ;-)

Any pointers so very appreciated!

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Currently, the only effective mechanism for protecting an author's/publisher's intellectual property rights is Digital Rights Management (DRM).
However, protected PDFs cannot be viewed on Kindle. Unprotected PDF can be viewed on the DX and Kindle 3.

. See the Adobe White Paper on InDesign to Kindle (link below).
For the Apple's iOS environment Adobe provides Digital publishing workflows.

. See the Adobe White Paper on InDesign to iPad (link below).

Note: The two papers describe output to ePub via InDesign; however, Adobe's TCS 3 supports obtaining ePub from FM mastered content.


Some Resources:
Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
Adobe Digital publishing
Adobe Digital Publishing Solution for eBooks
Workflow depiction

Adobe Technical Communication Suite 3 (FM > RH > ePub)
.Adobe Technical Communication Suite 3. TCS 3 Related Blog Article
Related Episodes at Adobe TV
eBooks: InDesign to Kindle Store
Page one of PDF has a side-bar note about Kindle and PDF. It touches on conversion of PDF to MOBI (which can be processed into Kindle format).
eBooks: InDesign to Apple iBookstore

But, again, with TCS3, you could also obtain ePub (eBooks) by way of FM mastered content.
My sense of the playing field is that the DRM costs can be an issue for small/medium publishers.
Perhaps an appropriate business entity that represented an aggregate of these could get the small/medium size publishing houses "in the game".

Be well...