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PDF Portfolio file programmatically created with a defined name

Registered: Feb 18 2009
Posts: 2

I’m very new to Adobe Acrobat. I went to a presentation of Adobe 9 PDF Portfolio given at our university. I immediately saw a nice way for a SQL server database table record to hold a link to an Adobe 9 PDF Portfolio. The general wisdom is not to save image/sound files in a SQL database but instead reference these from a folder structure appropriate for storing these items, usually on another server used as a document library.

To this end I began searching for a solution to create a PDF Portfolio under program control, using visual basic, giving the pdf a file name based upon a database table record from which a user chose to create a PDF Portfolio for. In other words, the PDF Portfolio would be the container that would hold all image/sound related information related to the database table record. A user would create a PDF Portfolio, if one did not exist or, be ‘dropped’ into the PDF Portfolio whenever they chose to, to add or manipulate the contents of the portfolio for the associated record in the database table.

I’ve been thrashing around trying to create a PDF Portfolio file programmatically without success. I’ve created such and assigned the name using Adobe 9 and have been able to programmatically open it from code without a problem. Can someone help with this? Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Aug 26 2010
Posts: 1

Did you ever have any success with this? I am trying to do the same thing, but cannot figure out how to programmatically create the pdf portfolio.