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PDF/A and web site captures

Registered: Feb 24 2010
Posts: 5


I am capturing a large database driven web site with Acrobat 9 Pro. I need to make a PDF/A not a PDF. I looked at the help and online and saw that doing a preflight inspection would help. There were problems with this web site due to fonts and a whole bunch of other things. I can't control those things as they are on the web site itself. I have tried many things (export, preflight, no preflight) but can't get pro to make the PDF/A, as there are problems that can't be fixed in the web site capture.

Can one make a PDF/A from a web site capture? I can see how to do it with a Word doc, etc.

I am on vista, with pro 9.0.

Any guidance or advice is much appreciated!



Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Web Capture's HTML to PDF is just PDF output.
Acrobat Preferences Convert to PDF provides no edit features.
The Web Capture Configuration dialog provides no PDF "type" choices.

As HTML content does not, typically, provide what is required as prerequisites for PDF/A output Acrobat's only providing a PDF output for webcapture makes sense.

Two useful sources of information about PDF/A may be helpful.

Both provide discussions on what PDF/A requires.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 24 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks so much for the information. I read it and read other stuff on the web. So I just wanted to make sure I understood what I read :)

If I had control over the web site that was being captured, I could change fonts, etc. and make it okay for the PDF/A profile. Then it would likely be made into a PDF/A without issues.

However, because I am capturing other people's web sites that I have no control over, it is very unlikely that I can get that web site to be acceptable for the PDF/A specs.

Plus if I have made a Word doc and then it didn't quite fit the PDF/A specs I could redo parts of it to make it comply with the PDF/A

Did I understand that correctly?

It looks to me like the PDF/A specs are similar to the w3c specs for html or xhtml, in terms of having strict specs to work by and with :)

Thanks again!

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Yes, you have outlined the situation effectively.
As an ISO standard for archival information, PDF/A requirements are strict.
Far more so than either markup language (HTML or XML) which are not meant for storing archival information.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 24 2010
Posts: 5
Excellent! Thank you so much for your quick assistance, it was much appreciated :)

One learns something new every day!

