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Print Web Page to PDF without using Acrobat Tool bar

Registered: Jun 19 2007
Posts: 2

We are having web application which is created using .net Framework 1.1. In our application we have provided Rich Text Editor where user can enter any information. Now we want to allow user to print those details in PDF format using code/api only so that the pdf is generated on server not directly on client machine also we dont want to install Acrobat Internet Explorer toolbar on each client. I have searched many places and found one such control at [link=][/link] but it is more prefered if we can have soultion from some more trusted source like you. I will be highly thankful if you can address my query. Awaiting your quick and positive reply.

My Product Information:
Reader 6.0.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi nimesh.dhruve,

Acrobat is not licensed for this type of activity. Adobe does offer server-side PDF generation tools – specifically Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator – that would fit the profile of what you propose. For more information on LiveCycle PDF Generator visit the following URL:


Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for