I try to have a "PDF/A-1b: 2005 (CMYK)"-version of a document.
What I am doing: I print my documnet (sometimes a word-document sometimes a standard.pdf) into a "PDF/A-1b: 2005 (CMYK)"-version.
Then I check the document with the preflight-profile if my new document was conform to "PDF/A-1b".
Here the surprizing part:
The new document is NOT conform!!!!!
How could that ever be? I print it into that PDF-version and then it is not conform to the version I printed it in????!!!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
I would be VERY HAPPY to get help on this.
try to use a PDF/A-RGB, not a CMYK one (which is a non-sense for MS-Office files).