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Problem with Quark 6.5 Export Layout as PDF

Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 3

I'm using Quark 6.5 and Acrobat 8.1 Professional on the Mac. If I use the print command and Distiller to make a pdf I don't have any problem. But for proofing purposes it's just quicker to make a pdf using Quark's export layout as pdf -- and I never had a problem with it before. But starting yesterday whenever I do that Quark closes out on me. Today I tried making a test file with only text (all in Helvetica) and it still closed out. So it doesn't seem to have anything to do with fonts or images.

Has anybody had this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 3
If anybody else if having this problem, I was able to find a resolution on the Quark forum.

You need to delete the file PDFFilter.prf from Quark preferences. I had to delete it from Users/name/Library/Preferences/Quark & also from Applications/Quark6.1/preferences.I've had no problems exporting layout as pdf since!