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Problems Distilling now that I have Vista

Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 8


I have regularly done "Print to Distiller" from Microsoft Word, Excel and web pages for years on my computers with Windows XP and everything works great. I just got a new computer with Vista and I can not get the "Print to Distiller" to work for me. I keep getting this error:

%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ÐÏࡱá ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

I've been baffled by this for a few months and so when I need a PDF created I have to email the Word file or go to the web page on another computer and Print to Distiller then email the PDF back to myself. This works, but obviously is annoying. I can't figure out why I can't just get this to work on my new computer... ARGH! Clearly the files/pages themselves aren't the problem since they work on the other computers.

Any ideas??

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Check to make sure the printer port is set correctly:

1 - Open Control Panel / Printers

2 - Right click on the Adobe PDF printer icon

3 - One of the seven visible tabs will be named PORTS

4 Click on it, and you should see the "COM1 - Serial Port" box is checked, simply scroll down and check the "Documents\*pdf - Adobe PDF Port" instead (the other will uncheck itself)

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 8

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I opened up the Distiller printer and found the Port tab. The .COM 1 was NOT checked... the one checked was C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.pdf PDF Port Acrobat Distiller.

I didn't see a port that had the exact name you'd mentioned, but this one seems like the closest, and it WAS already checked. So I left it be.

I guess the port isn't the problem then?? Any other suggestions?

Thanks! --b
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
Which version of Acrobat are you using. Vista is supported Acrobat 8.1 onwards.
Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 8
Maybe that is it... I have Acrobat 5.0 Standard. So that can't work with Vista??
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223

The latest there is Acrobat 6 SDK. I recommend that you upgrade. Acrobat 5 is quite old and there have been many releases of AutoCAD post that release.
Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 8
That link you provided... I just downloaded the the 9.0 SDK but I have no idea what to do with it? I'm used to having an executable file that installs...
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
I am so sorry, I got confused between two different threads and replied incorrectly earlier (and hence the mention of AutoCAD). SDK is irrelevant to your problem.

Acrobat 5 will not work on Vista (Vista was release many years after Acrobat 5). You need to get Acrobat 8.1 or 9.