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Problen viewing PDF in full screen mode

Registered: Feb 23 2010
Posts: 2


I wonder whether someone could help. I created a 20 page document in InDesign (indiv page size 355mm/297mm landscape). I saved this as a PDF and then, using Acrobat 7.0, added a set of navigation options on each page (home buttons and links to other pages in the document). The problem I am encountering is, that when you view the document in full screen mode - when you use the navigation some pages are not shown in full screen and jump smaller. This creates a visual difficulty. I can't work out why some pages show full screen and others smaller - there seems to be no logic behind which pages remain full screen and which jump smaller! Any ideas anyone please? E

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Are all the page sizes the same? Do you have any page actions in the PDF that zoom to different levels?
Do you experience the same problem if you use the page down key instead of your navigation buttons?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for