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Publisher to PDF not working

Registered: Mar 6 2009
Posts: 4

The export works, and the PDF is generated but hyperlinks are not active in PDF.

Running WinXP
Publisher 2003/07
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Publisher 2003/07
Both on the same computer?

Acrobat 7's PDFMaker is compatible with Publisher release for Office XP (Office 2002/Office 10)
and Office 2003 (Office 11).

Compatibility with the Publisher release for Office 2007 (Office 12 - 11/30/06) begins with Acrobat 8.1.

If you have Publisher 2003 and 2007 installed on the same computer you may have established some
software conflicts that prevent Acrobat 7 PDFMaker from working correctly.

Acrobat 7 and Publisher 2003 will work.
Acrobat 8.1 and Publisher 2007 will work.
Combinations involving multiple installs (Acrobat 7 & 8.1 - Publisher 2003/2007) really need to be avoided.A useful reference:
[url=]Version Compatibility of Acrobat PDFMakers[/url]

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Mar 6 2009
Posts: 4

One computer has Pub 2003 and Acrobat 7

The other computer has Pub 2007 and Acrobat 9
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
As it is the PDFMaker that provides the mechanism for the cross-over of features such as links
the PDFMaker Conversion Settings available for a specific Acrobat and application/applicaion version
would appear to be the key.

For each combination you have; with Publisher open, what does the PDFMaker Conversions Settings provide?
Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings
Under the Settings tab is there a selection for add links to Adobe PDF?
If not then links in Publisher cannot be brought over to PDF.

The Acrobat Help files (7.x through 9.x) for the various flavors (Standard, Professional, Extended)
seem to consistently state:

Microsoft Publisher PDFs converted from Microsoft Publisher support crop marks,
bookmarks, spot colors, transparency, bleed marks, printing bleed marks, and CMYK color conversion.

Note: In Microsoft Publisher 2003 documents, PDFMaker includes Publisher headings as bookmarks in the PDF.
PDFMaker does not support the conversion of Publisher 2002 bookmarks, links, transparency, or crop marks and bleed marks.
So it seems that it comes back to what is/is not [i]actually[/i] available as a setting in the applicable PDFMaker
Conversion Settings dialog window (under Settings tab).

If there is a "hook" in the Microsoft application that permits a 3rd party (e.g., Adobe) to latch onto for processing links
then that feature is typically a setting available in the PDFMaker Conversion Settings.
If not, the 3rd party (Adobe et al.) are unable to migrate the feature into their file format.

Or, to state in Adobe's terms (which renders Microsoft as the "3rd party" ) -
Because PDFMakers run in 3rd party applications and we rely on their APIs to help us add navigational controls to the resulting PDF, we've been able to add new capabilities to the PDFMakers over time as the APIs in the native applications become more robust. Unfortunately, the 3rd party APIs are not consistent across versions and we need to drop support for a particular PDFMaker feature on a particular version of the 3rd party software.
It all gets to be something of a maze at times, no?

Be well...

Be well...

Vishal Grover
Registered: Feb 27 2009
Posts: 2
Can you please post one sample Publisher file in which you are facing this problem? You may upload this doc @