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Publisher URLs lost though "Add Links" selected

Registered: Jul 29 2009
Posts: 2

Apps: MS Publisher version 2007 and PDFMaker from Acrobat Professional Ver 8.1.6.

OS: Windows XP

PDFMaker Environment: "Add Links" checkmarked

Acrobat Pro Environment: "Add Links" checkmarked on the Edit Preferences "General" Tab

Condition: Active URLs in Publisher work

Outcome: All, and I mean all, URL links, to inclue "mailto:" are lost when PDFMaker converts the Publisher file to PDF.

Anybody else have any insight why this is happening? I have read some of the other post, and the conditions I have setup are correct. Just trying to figure this one out.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Not a resolution to the problem you have.
Just a data point.
Using Publisher 2007 & Acrobat 9 Professional Extended - I cannot replicate what you describe.Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Sep 7 2009
Posts: 1
Up up,i'll come back soon, "THANK" for usefultopic, Love u all :-)
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