I bet this is already posted somewhere but not been able to find it yet.
Have been using Acrobat 8 pro for many years but after a machine rebuild I reinstalled it and at first everything seemed fine - however when using the general interface from acrobat 8 if I want to create a PDF the joboptions menu at the bottom right side remains greyed out so I cannot select the type of PDF I wish to create. However in Distiller everything appears to be there. I have tried reinstalling 3 times now but it is always the same. I am the only user registeted on the PC so there is only my admin account which is where I have installed from. Everyone else I know using the programme has full acess to the joboptions from the menu - as I did before my "crash". Any clues please.....
ALso when I uninstalled in order to reinstall - the computer seemed to remember I have already installed as it does not ask for the licence code again - is it posible to completely uninstall Acrobat 8 pro so any reinstallation is treated as new again? I was thinking this memory effect may be why the reinstall deos not seem to cure the problem.