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Rendering PDF from AutoCAD?

Registered: Dec 21 2010
Posts: 2

From years ago I recall an Adobe product called Distiller that could watch a folder and render PDF documents from files dropped into the folder. Does Distiller still exist? If not, does the same functionality exist in another Adobe product? If so, what is that product's name?
I need to generate PDF files from AutoCAD files versions 2004 through 2011.
I also need to generate PDF Plus Text files from PDF Image Only files.

My Product Information:
Acrobat, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Yes, but it only processes PostScript, file type ".PS", files.

There are special macros or plug-ins for many applications like MS Office and Auto CAD that can take document from the application and create a PDF product. If you are going to use Auto CAD check very carefully the versions of Auto CAD that are supported by Acrobat.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
You'll probably want to read the latest missive from the Acrobat Ninja concerning AutoCAD and PDFMaker.Distiller is the virtual printer installed with Adobe Acrobat - it's not an individual program so you can't buy it, and if you have Acrobat as your signature suggests, you've already got it!
Registered: Dec 21 2010
Posts: 2
But I'm not seeing the ability to watch a folder. Is that available still?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Accepted Answer
PDF Maker is a macro or plug-in for both MS Office and Auto CAD. You have to set the conversion settings in each program. Once established you could select a group of files and have Acrobat convert the files to Acrobat. Acrobat will open each file, convert the file and save the output. PDF Maker may use Distiller and the virtual PDF printer, but not the watched file feature of Distiller.

As previously noted Distiller will [b]only[/b] process PostScript files. Acrobat Professional supports Watched folders for Distiller. If you want to create PDF files from Auto CAD, you will need to convert the Auto CAD file to a PS file using a virtual PS print driver and place the created output file into a watched folder. This is not the ways the Auto CAD files are usually converted to a PDF file.

George Kaiser