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Retaing MS Word Meta-data when Batch Converting

Registered: Jun 26 2008
Posts: 19

How do you retain the meta-data within word documents when batch converting to PDF with Adobe Acrobat 8?
All word documents have meta-data but when I batch convert them, the meta-data is lost.
What am I doing wrong or is there a setting that I haven't selected?
Thanks :)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Check PDFMaker's configuration:
--| Under the Settings tab, is "Convert Document Information" ticked?

Check the Batch Sequence that is being used:
--| Does it utilize the "Description" sequence?
If so, any field in the Description edit dialog that has content other than 'Leave As Is' will result in the associated field's content being placed in the PDF's related field (Document Properties > Description tab).Provided PDFMaker is configured to Convert Document Information and the Batch Sequence does not use the Description sequence to edit/change a field then the batch conversion of the Word files to PDF ought to provide individual PDF files that reflect the document information provided for the individual Word files.
Confirmed this with a simple trial using Acrobat Pro (8.2.5).

A background note:
When an Acrobat is used to convert a supported file format to PDF (via Batch or otherwise) the application that created the supported file is opened in the background to support the conversion and PDFMaker is relied upon to 'direct' the activity.
So, PDFMaker configuration is important. What is ticked/not ticked under each tab establishes parameters used.
Also (and just as important), the selection in the Settings tab of the PDFMaker dialog for "Conversion Settings" should be looked at.
This selection sets the Distiller job option used. The default is Standard. Use the Advanced Settings button to open the edit dialog for Distiller job options and look over what is configured there. Select other job options or create one if need be to ensure what is used is what you want.

Be well...

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you set Acrobat Conversion settings in Word to include Word's properties?

George Kaiser