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Saving A5 to A4 why? Throwing display out of sync. help!

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 1

I am new to Acrobat and am trying to save an A5 document to pdf.
Firstly it saves it to A4 leaving big spaces around it which looks funny - I need it on A5.
Secondly it is throwing it out of sync. I have names and addresses which are being split across pages when they are fine in my word document.
Please can anyone help or point me in the right direction for a step by step guide or tutorial - anything - it's driving me nuts!
Thank you

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
select Adobe PDF printer;
step 1: click Preferences, at 'PDF Page Size' drop-down select A5; click OK.
If you don't see A5, you must define the A5.
step 2: click Preferences; click Add; at field 'Paper Names' enter something meaningful (try, 'my A5', because the dialog may reject 'A5') and in size enter w=5.8 and H=8.3 (inches); click Add/Modify
step 3: go back to step 1; in the drop down select 'my A5'; click OK.