In my production flow, I have a need to convert text to outlines in PDFs that were created from MS Word. Just too many nasty cheap fonts used in the word documents and they're causing my RIP all kinds of headaches. As I have no control over the source of the word docs, I need to convert the fonts in the PDFs provided to outlines. I can see the flattener in Acrobat 9 and I understand the trick about placing a transparent watermark on each page to force the flattener to operate on the page. But I can't see a way to script the flattener with the convert text to outlines option and the convert strokes to outlines option. Does anyone have a trick for forcing acrobat to convert fonts? If not, any sriptable 3rd party flatteners that work on PDFs?
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for