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Splitting a pdf file

Registered: Apr 24 2006
Posts: 8

I would like to split a huge file into individual pdf files. Approximately 200 pages. I have Acrobat 8.0. Suggestions are welcome!


Registered: Nov 22 2006
Posts: 37
I'm not sure if your large file is 200 pages or you'd like to split it into individual PDFs of 200 pages each. But, I'd split the larger document into individual PDFs by only "printing" a range of pages over and over until the entire document was covered. Hope that helps.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can use the "extractPages()" method. There is an example in the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference, a free download form Adobe through their "Documentation" support pages.

Using this method will break all interal links. If you need to keep bookmark and internal links, consider a 3rd party appliction like Arts PDF Aerialist.

George Kaiser