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Strange font typesetting

Registered: Jan 25 2009
Posts: 5


I've been converting WordPerfect X3 documents to Acrobat format (version 8.1.3 standard) and having bizarre typesetting problems. The font is Acrobat Opentype New Century Schoolbook STD. When I convert to .pdf, several places where normal, roman text is adjacent to bold or italic text results in typesetting problems. Specifically, the italic text often (not always) overlaps the adjacent roman text, and the bold text often appears far away from the roman text, as if a were inserted. I've checked the WP codes, and there is no difference between the code where the problems occur and where it doesn't.

Any ideas on what's happening? I assume there is some incompatibility between how WordPerfect handles fonts and how Acrobat does, but I kind of hoped Adobe would have ironed out this problem by version 8.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi Professor,
Just some of my natterings here but it occurs to me that your output PDF most probably was created by
Corel's Publish To > PDF "print engine." Consequently, I'd hazard a guess that what Adobe Reader/Acrobat renders
will reflect what the Corel "engine" provides.

Are blivets in the typesettng also present in an output PDF processed through Distiller/Adobe PDFMaker?

I'm playing with WP 12 here & I notice that the text I have placed as bold or as italic does not render as such
when viewing the Corel Publish To > PDF output PDF. These are present when I use Print and use "Adobe PDF"
utilizes Distiller to provide the output PDF.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to duplicate what you describe; so, some easter egg'n...

--| with italics/bold removed, do the blivets still occur?
--| auto/manually kerning at play?
--| fonts not embedded - maybe something associated with Acrobat substituting font?
--| in the Environment Settings - anything change if you de-select the default "reformate documents to the WP default printer on open"?

Have you a sample file to look at - *.wpd / *.pdf (if WP X3 *.wpd can be picked up by WP 12)?

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 25 2009
Posts: 5
Thank you for your insights. Unfortunately, that is not the problem. I know it would be a problem if I used the "Publish to . . . .pdf" function, because I tried it once, and the font did not print at all. Just page after page of blankness. My problem occurred in a .pdf created by the "Print ..." with the "Adobe PDF" set as the printer. Acrobat distiller does not seem to work with my OS (Windows XP Pro 64-bit).

Any other ideas? Considering that the problem does not occur with just any use of bold or italic font, but seemingly randomly occurs sometimes (and sometimes not), I'm stuck. I'd post a file for public examination if I knew how. Anyone know how to do that?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi again,
A thought - is your Acrobat 8 Standard fully updated?

This update (link below) improved 8.1 Standard/Professional support
for XP/Vista 64-bit.


Depending on what dot release you have installed you may have to run through
earlier updates.
See also: [url=]Update page[/url]

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 25 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks again, but it is fully updated. There is some disconnect between the way WordPerfect is handling the Opentype font and the way Acrobat is reading it. Any other ideas?