I just installed Acrobat Professional 8.0. When I convert a Word document with {STYLEREF 2} in the Header, Acrobat adds 0B to the chapter name. If I turn off bookmark conversion for Level 2, it doesn't happen. Is there anything I can do besides replacing the chapter heading styleref to plain text?
This is an issue in Acrobat 8 (PDFMaker) and appears to be related to Headings with cross-references in Word. You have a good (short-term) suggestion in replacing the chapter heading with plain text in Word until the issue is corrected in Acrobat. One other suggestion I've seen is to make sure you have the header/footers turned off prior to creating the PDF. FYI there is more information on this issue at:
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.