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Suggested workflow for Indesign -> Acrobat

Registered: Mar 17 2008
Posts: 9


I'm designing 1-2 page brochures in InDesign CS2, then publishing them in Acrobat 8. I'm finding this workflow to work well, though i do have one problem which i'm hoping someone here can help out with.

If i design a page in Indesign with basic layouts of text, and images, then print that out to PDF - i then go to Acrobat and add elements such as Movies or Acrobat3D, buttons with javascripts etc.

After i've done my work in Acrobat i sometimes have to change my InDesign text and images layout, (after client feedback) - i then have to go back to InDesign, do my changes, re-print as a PDF, go back into Acrobat and then re-do all of my Java scripts/buttons, placement of movie clips, adding of 3D elements etc.

Having to contantly re-create all my Acrobat elements just seems like such a painful way of working, i'm thinking there must be an easier way. surely if all i have to change is the indesign text and images layout, i can just replace the PDF page which sits underneath all my Acrobat elements?

is anyone following me still? :) does anyone care to share a better workflow, or point out what i'm doing wrong?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 19 2008
Posts: 39
are you saving your file first? it seems from your writing you are only printing.
Registered: Mar 17 2008
Posts: 9
I save the file as InDesign of course, then i print as PDF,

i then open the newly printed PDF in Acrobat and do my Acrobat work to the pages.

It's when i have to go back to edit the InDesign file that i realise i have to re-print the PDF, and start my Acrobat work all over again.

do you get me? :)

Registered: Mar 19 2008
Posts: 39
what does acrobat have to do with indesign. You need to save it in acrobat so it can be brought up to edit. I am not familiar with in design. I do everything in acrobat. I hope you can follow me on this. In design (if it is not an acrobat program) is not acrobat. I use word, photofiltre and a number of other programs. I even use Open Office (sun freeware) that lets me export as a pdf. But those allow you to export as a PDF. Then you use acrobat to do your thing. then you need to, save it in acrobat and open it again if you want to edit.
You can write me if you wish, hiddengraphics [at] myway [dot] com. Just put PDf as your only entry into the subject area.
Registered: Mar 17 2008
Posts: 9 - InDesign is what i use to design professional page layouts...

I design the layout, then print to PDF - so that i can then go into Acrobat and add elements such as video etc.

but if i have to change the layout/design of the page, i have to go back to InDesign and i lose all of my work done in Acrobat.

does this make sense at all?

I don't know how anyone could just prepare page layouts in Acrobat alone, the tools just aren't there... or are they?

Registered: Mar 19 2008
Posts: 39
there are many things involved here.
take it a step at a time
you make a design
you create a pdf file
you enhance the pdf file.
you change the radically, a new pic, a new question, what?
if you make you design a pdf file and import that into your enhanced file, are you on a different page, i need a concrete example since the number of variables are practically limitless. tell me a whole story. i will try it myself and see if i can do anything easier than what you are doing. by the way, even when i was doing lotus 123 in DOS, the word was plan, plan ,plan and more plan. there will always be an enhancement.there is no perfection, but I would like to help if I can. I gave you my email. take advantage of it. you can send attachments, and as far as the sounds go, you can send anything you want.