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Text is too small...

Registered: Nov 12 2011
Posts: 2

I put down "10" as my version since it didn't say "X", but my program is "Adobe Acrobat X Standard".
I created a PDF from a very large webpage (the HTML file alone is around 2 megabytes), and I ended up with text that's unreadably small. I converted this into a PDF so I could send a book I'm writing to a publisher, and print this tiny (looks to be about 3pt) is simply unacceptable. On the webpage this was converted from, it was 12pt. The images have been shrunk down as well.
What can I do to make the content larger? I know I'll get a bigger PDF file. I REALLY don't care.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Exactly how did you create the web page?

Have you looked at the settings for your web browser print?

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 12 2011
Posts: 2
I created individual chapters (as it's for a book) as webpages in a text editor (yes, I do all hand-coding), then compiled them all into one big page with a PHP script. Strangely, when I open these individual chapters, it's of a good size. It's only when I open the humongous page that the print's tiny.

As for print settings, what should I be looking for?