When I batch processed some 4500 files, adding watermarks to them, I noticed that sometimes the watermarks were not added correctly. That is, the watermark was not inserted.
I had defined a simple text watermark in Adobe Acrobat Pro, saved it, and used that for batch processing.
However, if I processed around 100 files at a time, the pre-set watermark, would some times get "corrupted" an not show up in the post-processed files. Adobe told that the watermark was there, but in no way was it to be seen or printed. Eventually, I had to delete the pre-defined watermark I had created, and then define it again.
Has anybody else experienced this problem? And, is there an upper limit to the number of files that can be processed at a time in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro?
Thank you very much in advance.
However, I never encountered the batch working on some files and not on others in such cases. It usually just hangs or crashes all together.
If the batch completes but not all files were processed I will look for another cause.
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