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Transfer of Document Properties in Word to Document Information in PDF

Registered: Feb 25 2008
Posts: 11

I've got a Word 2003 document that has a number of custom document properties (Permit Number, Record Year, etc.) in addition to the standard properties (Author, Title, etc.). When converting to PDF only the standard properties are transferred to document information in the PDF. I'm using Acrobat Pro 8.1.2. I'm using the Standard conversion settings and the Convert Document Information checkbox is checked. Am I doing something wrong or does Acrobat not transfer custom properties when converting Office 2003 files to PDF?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 10 2006
Posts: 413
Had to think about this one.

No, I don't think you can do the conversions. First, the document properties that do convert are standard, not customized.

Word can't translate that into something Acrobat can use for two reasons:

- the data isn't XMP metadata

- Word doesn't have the utility that's included in Visio to convert custom data to data objects.


A prolific author and writer of many Acrobat books, as well as books on graphic and Web design software.
Donna lives on a lakeshore in central Canada, where all manner of wildlife from muskrats to coyotes come to call.

Registered: Feb 25 2008
Posts: 11
Thanks Donna. Actually, I tried converting the same file on another PC that has Acrobat Pro 7 installed and all of the custom properties in the Word file get transferred to the PDF's custom properties. The problem seems to be specific to Acrobat Pro 8.
Registered: Feb 25 2008
Posts: 11
I'm really at a loss here. I can convert Excel 2003 and PowerPoint 2003 files to PDF in Acrobat Pro 8.1.2 using PDFMaker and any custom properties get transferred but it doesn't work for Word 2003. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi gregl.
Just some additional information for this thread.
With Acrobat Professional (8.1.2) and Office 2007 - MS Word custom document properties transfer to the output PDF.
With Acrobat 3D (8.1.2) and Office 2000 - MS Word custom document properties do not transfer.
With Acrobat Professional (7.1.0) and Office 2003 - MS Word custom document properties transfer to the output PDF.

It seems that the Office version may be a contributing variable.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Dec 19 2006
Posts: 5
When I convert a Visio document to PDF, the margins and content are reduced. How can I convert to a PDF from Visio without a reduction of the material?
Registered: Nov 29 2007
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