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Unistalling Adobe Acrobat Fonts

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 8

Is there a simple way I can prevent Acrobat from using Adobe fonts? I want to use only Local fonts, ie, only those TrueType fonts available in every Windows PC.
I create and edit forms a lot and its very frustrating to see a long list of Adobe fonts in the Form Field Font properties when I only need Arial and maybe Ariel Narrow. Of course Adobe's proprietary Checkbox font is required, but that does not even appear in the list.
How can I remove all adobe fonts such as Myriad Pro and all the other never-used fonts?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252
The only way would be to remove from your operating system.

Windows - control panel / fonts /
Mac - user/library/fonts/
/system / fonts /
library / fonts

Hope this helps,



PS - if you did require more fonts as-and-when then use a font management application

I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 8
Hello Jon,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. What you suggest only removes the Windows fonts. The Acrobat fonts remain.

I have since experimented and found that there are Font directories in each of the Acrobat folders (I use 4.0, 7.0 and 8.0). They are under "Designer" and "Resources" (maybe some other folders as well). I renamed the folders and now Acrobat can't find them, so they don't clutter up the fonts list.
Imagine using a font called "Myriad Pro". Whatever was Acrobat thinking?

As for Fonts management, yes, I use the Freeware progarmme called Fontloader by Moon Software, and has been using it for about 6 years. Its easily one of the finest font management programmes around. And it does so on the fly, not by removing the fonts, but modifying some other thing in Windows, maybe the Registry. Its instantaneous.

Jay de Silva