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VERY Strange Excel Workbook file to PDF conversion issue

Registered: Mar 19 2010
Posts: 2

Hi All,

I am having an issue converting whole workbooks to PDF docs. When I try to convert, it will only convert 1 of 48 pages and it usually is the last page.

The weird part is when I add a blank sheet and convert, it works! This does not make any sense to me. This method works half the time.. hence why I'm here with this thread.

The workbook has 48 unhidden sheets (the ones i want to print) and many hidden sheets. I am using Office 2007 with Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard on Windows XP SP3 with all the latest patches/updates. I'm having this issue with several excel files and not just one. I've tested the files on different machines to no avail. Please help!

Does anyone have a clue as to why adding a blank sheet makes the conversion process correctly? Also, doing the 'Print to PDF' does work but does not support adding bookmarks (to my knowledge).

Thank you in advanced for your time.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.7, Windows
Orlando Rat
Registered: Mar 23 2010
Posts: 1
Hi Jon

I have a similar issue using Acrobat 8, Windows XP and Excel 2003. It worked okay until I added a couple of new sheets. If I exclude the new sheets the document still converts in full, however, as soon as one of the new sheets is included only one sheet is converted, just as you say.

Sorry, no solution but hopefully more info.

Registered: Mar 25 2010
Posts: 3
Has anybody run into a problem with the links not seating where they were positioned in the Excel file? Many don't even convert over in the PDF and others are scattered over the page. Very frustrating!