Am using 9.1 professional. I go to a web site and want to append a page that has a .pdf document to my created .pdf from capturing the starting page. The link on the page that is already captured is to a .pdf file! Yet when trying to append that .pdf document to my already captured .pdf document, I get an "unknown format" error even though the page I want to append is a .pdf document and obviously 9.1 knows about the .pdf format.
When right clicking on the link the dialog presents the option of opening in a browser rather than appending . . . if I say yes, open in a browser, then the .pdf file opens in the browser, or in Acrobat if I have selected that option. And if I save that .pdf page I can add it by inserting the file from the document menu. But I cannot append the linked .pdf document to my main document.
This is a fairly recent phenomenon and I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
You can try to reproduce this. Go to and capture that page only - one level down (it takes a while - there are 101 pages to the .pdf file that comes from capturing one level at this link) . After the capture is complete you will see a summary of various court opinions, with a link to a .pdf document that has the actual opinion by each summary. Now try to append an opinion to your .pdf document from the shown link. That is when I get the unknown format error.
TIA for ideas
Bill Baldwin
It used to work fine on Acrobat 5.
Adobe doesn't recognize it's own file formats? .ps and .pdf
The way I handle this is to use
File / Combine / Merge files into a single PDF