Can you explain the differences between the way InDesign and Distiller handle PDF creation?
The internal InDesign PDF preset or export function for Press Quality, creates a much sharper PDF than creating a postscript file from InDesign to distill. I use high transparency flattener in both.
The edges of text and images are not as sharp when using distiller. Can you explain?
I am using InDesign CS4, Acrobat 9 Pro version 9.3.2 on MacOSX version 10.5.8.
I prefer to ditill files so I can then increase the final PDF dimensions and not resize the artwork, so need to understand how I can match the quality of the preset function. Failing that is there a way of increasing dimensions of final output if the InDesign presets are used eg create an A1 PDF from an A3 InDesign file.
simply change the document's size in InDesign before exporting…