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Word 2003 to PDF

Registered: Apr 18 2007
Posts: 4

Why do tiny numbers display in front of all headings after creating PDF from Word?
AcroPro8-Word 2003
After writing to PDF (either through PDFMaker or selecting Acrobat PDF printer), teensy numbers appear in front of all headings. Maybe this has something to do with bookmarks?
When I used AA8's Examine Document feature to remove tags, metadata, bookmarks, etc., some of the numbers were removed, but not all.
They are really annoying and look like little partial leader tabs, but are clearly single digits when zoomed (mostly 0s and 9s).
I've tried a lot of the settings (Tools>Options>Print, Printer options). Maybe one of these will do the trick, but which one?
I've tried printing to a PS file using the generic PS driver and an HP PS driver, but lose font colors.
I've tried using different tools to create the PDF (CutePDF, RoboPDF), but lose bookmarks, which I don't really want to type in. However, the numbers aren't there when using these tools.
It's bad enough I have to create all hyperlinks by hand! That includes all TOC, LOF, LOT, and index entries, as well as all cross-references -- UGH!
There must be a better way to preserve links, but my problem is really those teeny tiny numbers. I don't want to remove all of them by hand in the PDF.
I searched the forum, knowledge base, and tech notes to no avail.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi cherie_w,

You don't mention what operating system you're using; however, if it's any of the Windows 64-bit versions, you'll need to update to 8.1.
Also, there is a known issue with 64-bit versions of these operating systems which causes the Adobe PDF Printer to not work correctly. Microsoft has released a Hot Fix for this issue which is documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #930627 available at [url=][/url]. Adobe has tested and will support the Adobe PDF Printer with this Hot Fix installed.
If, however, you are not using a 64-bit OS, I would recommend making sure Distiller is working properly. Acrobat PDFMaker uses the Adobe PDF printer, which in turn uses the Acrobat Distiller application to convert Word documents. To help you troubleshoot these issues there is a guide located at:
[url=][/url]Hope this helps,

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Apr 18 2007
Posts: 4
Thanks for the info, Lori. I've since upgraded to Word2007 (AcoPro8.1.0), and still had the driver issue. My OS is Win XP Home, so I don't think it's x64. I'm reluctant to run that hotfix.

The kb article is good, but the Word2007 GUI is much different.

I still get the numbers when I use the plug-in (which I suspect are tag#), but if I print using AdobePDF, no numbers--and no bookmarks (it always suggests that tagging be disabled during the print run), no hyperlinks, nada. A real pain.

If there were a setting where I could disable the numbers, I wouldn't mind building the links and bookmarks--so much.

I'm not running macros, and maybe starting Word in safe mode will solve this issue.

I'll give it a go.