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Wrong Created Date

Registered: Sep 1 2011
Posts: 3

I am using Adobe Standard 9.4.5 on Windows 7. I also use a Dell 3115 scanner that is not connected directly to my PC, but saves files onto a public hard drive with shared access to the whole office.
If I create a PDF on my PC the date is consistently incorrect. (Files created today 09/01/11 have a created date of 03/19/2010.
If I create a PDF from the scanner the same issue occurs.
The clock on my PC is accurate. What is causing this and how do I fix it?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.4, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
Can you verify the clock settings on the computer sharing the public hard drive and on the machine the scanner is connected to? It would also help to check that your server time is synchronized.

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Sep 1 2011
Posts: 3
The hard drive is connected directly to a router not another PC. Just checked the clock/calendar on the Dell 3115cn and it is accurate.
Kelly McCathran
Registered: Feb 9 2010
Posts: 38
I've been doing some research and it seems a lot of users are having this issue with Windows 7. The date seems to re-set itself using the time on the BIOS during re-boot and I've seen no 100% fix. Dell is also mentioned by name in this post:

Can you check the date and time in the computer BIOS?

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Certified Instructor
Adobe User Group Manager (
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Sep 1 2011
Posts: 3
Accepted Answer
I did some digging based on your suggestion to check the computer sharing the public hard drive and on the machine the scanner is connected to. Since both of these machines are not connected to a computer I checked the settings on each machine. The hard drive that is connected to the network has a time date setting in the control panel. I changed the server that it was synchronizing with and that appears to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the tips.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
Wonderful news :)

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+