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Creating a search index (perhaps embedded index?) for a PDF Portfoilio

Registered: Mar 9 2009
Posts: 3


I am trying to create a Portfolio with close to 300 pdfs, and 150,000 pages. As you can imagine to search this without an index takes an inordinate amount of time.

I've been able to create an index outside of the portfolio which speeds things up dramatically, but can't seem to make on embedded into a portfolio file. It seems that I get almost all the way there and in the process of saving it I get this error:

"a search index could not be embedded in this document because an error has occurred"

Vague enough!

If anyone knows how to index a Portfoiio I could certainly use even a hint!!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 30 2006
Posts: 1
If I create an embedded index and then try to use password secured feature, my embedded index is removed. If I create the password secured file first, the embedded index states that it cannot be added. If I remove the password security, I receive the message that the file must be saved and the embedded index is built. But if I then try to secure the file, the saving of the file results in the embedded index being removed. So, can I not have a password secured file with an embedded index? My preference is the 256 encryption requiring version 9 or higher to be used. Working on a PC with 9.3 and Windows 7.

I once had a workaround of creating a password protected file then opening the saved file and selecting Advanced, Security, Show Security Properties and choosing change. That would allow the embedded index to be created (without first requiring the saving of the document which automatically re-enables the password security and prevents the building of an embedded index). As best I can recall, the creation of an embedded index does not require the file to be saved prior to its closing after completing the embedded index.