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Creating a "Table of Contents" for a Portfolio

Registered: Dec 1 2008
Posts: 3

I have created a portfolio for a client and they requested that I add a TOC. I used a Word Document that I made with a list of the files included, saved it as a pdf file and then put it at the beginning of the portfolio. Then I used the linking tool to link to the files within the portfolio.
My problem is, I created a link to an excel file and when I tested it, the splash screen appears that you see if you don't have Acrobat 9. I guess I could replace the splash screen, but that doesn't solve my problem being able to link to the file. At the least I would like to link to the folder where the excel file is contained. (I understand that the user has to have excel installed on their pc).
Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do or even have a better solution to creating a TOC for a portfolio? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
In effect a Portfolio already has a TOC when viewed in A9/R9 - it's the list view, available via the second button on the Portfolio navigation bar.

When you're authoring the PDFP you can select what appears on the list and how to sort the entries, but if you want a TOC to appear in pre-9 readers then you'll need to do more work with cover sheets and the links tool, like you're doing now.
Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 18
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