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Displaying Specific Results of a Portfolio Search on the Same Page

Registered: Aug 21 2009
Posts: 5

as an example - I have created a portfolio with 2 PDF documents - I search the portfolio for the word "education" - I receive these results as a pop-up window on the right side of the display indicating that in Document 1 there are 8 instances and in Document 2 there are 11 instances of the word "education" - I look through the Document 1 instances and determine that the instance of "education" in Document 1 that I want is the 5th instance - I look through the Document 2 instances and determine that the instance of "education" in Document 2 that I want is the 8th instance - I now want to visually be able to display the 5th instance in Document 1 and the 8th instance of Document 2 on the same page as my purpose is to be able to contrast and compare specific language surrounding the word "education" in these two specific instances from these two different PDF documents - is there a way to do this in Adobe Acrobat Pro V9 ? - or is there a way to use other products to accomplish this result ? - any suggestions would be appreciated

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.3, Windows
Registered: Oct 4 2006
Posts: 18
have you tried opening each instance's document out of the portfolio by clicking the open button in the top right and running a compare Document > Compare documents?