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Is it possible in Acrobat 9 Pro to disable the 'Select Image' button (in the bottom toolbar) and the right edit window while in

Registered: Nov 15 2010
Posts: 17

To give you an idea:
What we want to achieve is to disable the 'Select Image' button in the bottom toolbar while in portfolio edit mode and maybe even the right edit window. Why?
Our client works on a map with sometimes several hundreds of folders on a background image. When a user makes the mistakes to click on the 'Select Image' button in the bottom toolbar (after selecting an image and positioning all the folders), saves the document and reopens it, all folder positions are reset and there's no background image anymore. This also happens when the user cancels this action.
Disable/remove the right edit window gives them more workspace because they work on a industrial tablet PC with a resolution of 1024x768.
Is this possible without creating some kind of custom navigator?!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
While it would be possible to alter the behavior of a "Select Image" button by writing a custom navigator, there is no way to turn off Acrobat's side pane when editing a PDF Portfolio.
Registered: Nov 15 2010
Posts: 17
UVSAR: is the 'Select Image' button a part of the navigator? From other information I found in the bigging of this project I understood this button was a 'hard coded part' of Acrobat itself and not particularly a part of a navigator (file).

Do I have to build a totally custom navigator just to alter this single 'Select Image' behavior?
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
You could intercept the normal process and implement your own version within the Flex code, for example refusing to update an asset if there's already one loaded, but the API in Acrobat 9 is a lot harder to work with than in Acrobat X.

In Acrobat the concept of Edit mode for PDF portfolios assumes everything that can be changed can also be re-changed, so there are no "one time only" examples to call upon. You are using them in a way that wasn't really envisioned when Portfolios were conceived, where you want some aspects to become read-only while others remain editable - in which case the navigator has to implement those features and work out a way to do it that doesn't make creating the master copy too cumbersome (you could for example embed the image into the NAV as a static element on the stage, so there's nothing for the user to replace, but it'd mean a new NAV for every map).

You'll also need to consider the impact of Acrobat X on your workflow, as custom navigators built against the Acrobat 9 / Flex 3 SDK aren't going to work the same in Acrobat X. Although a lot of people are still using Acrobat 9 right now, it's a legacy product so any development time spent on it has a limited lifespan, and any code you write for A9 will be pretty useless for AX given the change in Flex versions.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
I had a similar which was solved using a JavaScript on the "Doc will close" event :

this.dirty = false;

This prevent end users to be asked to save any change they made in my portfolios before closing…

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
I don't think that'll solve anything in this case as the OP's users need to make changes to the files within the Portfolio, but without permission to change the background image. Undirtying the file doesn't prevent someone from saving it after making an accidental alteration, it just turns off the prompt (and if you're intending them to change something between saves, that prompt is important to show).

With Templates in Acrobat X you can lock down the background without having to write any Flex code (by embedding the image into the SWF). Yes you'd need to compile a new SWF for every base document, but it's a trivial thing to do. Users would still be able to apply something else over the top, or in Acrobat Pro they could switch to another layout entirely (which of course kills anything you've done) - but they're less likely to do that "by accident".

Merlin wrote:
I had a similar which was solved using a JavaScript on the "Doc will close" event :this.dirty = false;

This prevent end users to be asked to save any change they made in my portfolios before closing…