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Acrobat 9 Std has no PDF/X-1a:2001 setting - Help!

Registered: Mar 2 2010
Posts: 7

I need to print a pdf to Acrobat with the setting PDF/X-1a:2001 but this option is not available to me.

My 'POD' company requires me to save my document to PRINT as Adobe pdf and select the PDF/X1a:2001 format.

I have submitted to them using High Quality Print, but this has been rejected.

My document has been produced in WORD 2003, Win XP with CMYK colour illustrations.

However, in my version Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard 9.3, I only get the option of PDF/A-1b:2005(CMYK) or, High Qulaity Print.

In other words, I select
Printer Name -Adobe pdf
Default Settings...

and at this point I get a drop down list of choices:

High Quality Print
High Quality Print(1)
Press Qulaity
Smallest File Size

How can I get PDF/X-1a:2001?

I have uninstalled and re-installed to solve this problem, but no success.

I have spent so much time on this to no avail and hope that someone can help me.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.2, Windows
Registered: May 10 2007
Posts: 40
If you have to pick one of those use PDF/A-1b CMYK. Acrobat Standard if I recall correctly does not allow for creating PDF/X files. PDF/X and PDF/A are pretty closely related. You can look at using third party tools like Callas pdfToolbox 4 which comes as a plug-in for Acrobat Pro but also includes a stand-alone version that doesn't need Acrobat at all.
Registered: Mar 2 2010
Posts: 7
Thank you for your advice.

After confirmation from smitchel15 that PDF/X-1a:2001 was not available in Acrobat Standard, I decided to buy the Pro uprgade. Now all my problems have been solved.

I have to say that I spent hours online and in customer support trying to get the answer to this question and in the end it was a simple one, provided on this forum - upgrade to Pro!

Now, if anyone is struggling with the same query, the quick answer is here.

Thank goodness for forums and the kindness of the participants!